About Sydney

Sydney is a local Central Coast native with a passion for social media management. After living on the Central Coast her entire life, she decided to move to a big city - Los Angeles, California. Here she received an Associate's Degree in Social Media from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Upon graduation Sydney knew she wanted more of a college experience and decided to complete her Bachelor's Degree at California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo in Graphic Communication.

Upon Graduation Sydney had plans to work in print but life works in funny ways and she found herself back in her hometown pretty quickly planning to work as a freelance social media manager and working on her Master’s in Digital Audience Strategy from Arizona State University.

Over the years Sydney has worked with dozens of businesses and individuals in various industries- helping them grow their social presence, finding new clients and educating them on social media! Working with local, small businesses has always been the goal so hopefully she gets the chance to work with you in the near future. 

When Sydney is not working you can find her at an OrangeTheory workout class, a nearby winery, hiking, or trying a new coffee shop!

Let’s Get to Work!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a discovery call please contact me via email and I’ll be in touch shortly!